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MyCaffe.db.temporal.DatabaseTemporal Class Reference

The DatabaseTemporal is used to manage all temporal specific database objects. More...

Inheritance diagram for MyCaffe.db.temporal.DatabaseTemporal:

Public Member Functions

 DatabaseTemporal ()
 The constructor. More...
override void Open (int nSrcId, FORCE_LOAD nForceLoad=FORCE_LOAD.NONE, ConnectInfo ci=null)
 Opens a data source. More...
void EnableBulk (bool bEnable)
 Enable bulk inserts. More...
override void Close ()
 Close the current data source. More...
override bool DeleteSource (int nSrcId=0)
 Delete a data source from the database. More...
override bool DeleteSourceData (int nSrcId=0)
 Delete the data source data (images, means, results and parameters) from the database. More...
override void DeleteDataset (string strDsName, bool bDeleteRelatedProjects, Log log, CancelEvent evtCancel)
 Delete a dataset. More...
void DeleteRawValues (int nSrcId=0)
 Delete all RawValues in a data source. More...
void DeleteValueItems (int nSrcId=0)
 Delete all ValueItems in a data source. More...
void PutRawValue (int nSrcID, int nItemID, RawValueDataCollection data)
 Add static raw values for a data stream. More...
void PutRawValue (int nSrcID, int nItemID, DateTime dt, RawValueDataCollection data, bool bActive)
 Add raw values for a data stream. More...
void SaveRawValues ()
 Save the raw values. More...
void ClearRawValues ()
 Clear the raw values.
RawValueSet GetValues (int nSrcID, int nItemID)
 Load the static value stream categorical values for a given source and item. More...
int AddValueItem (int nSrcId, int nItemIdx, string strName, DateTime? dtStart=null, DateTime? dtEnd=null, int? nSteps=null)
 Add a new value item to the database. More...
int GetValueItemID (string strName)
 Returns the value item ID given the value item name if found, or 0. More...
string GetValueItemName (int nID)
 Returns the value item ID given the value item name if found, or 0. More...
List< int > GetAllItemIDs (int nSrcID)
 Returns a list of all value item IDs associated with a SourceID. More...
int GetValueItemIndex (string strName)
 Returns the value item ID given the value item name if found, or 0. More...
string GetValueItemNamByIndex (int nIdx)
 Returns the value item name given the value item index if found, or 0. More...
List< int > GetAllItemIndices (int nSrcID)
 Returns a list of all value item Indices associated with a SourceID. More...
List< ValueItem > GetAllValueItems (int nSrcID)
 Returns a list of all value items associated with a SourceID. More...
int AddValueStream (int nSrcID, string strName, int nOrdering, STREAM_CLASS_TYPE classType, STREAM_VALUE_TYPE valType, DateTime? dtStart=null, DateTime? dtEnd=null, int? nSecPerStep=null, int nTotalSteps=1)
 Add a new value stream to the source ID. More...
List< ValueStream > GetAllValueStreams (int nSrcID)
 Returns a list of all value streams associated with a SourceID. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from MyCaffe.db.image.Database
 Database ()
 The Database constructor. More...
void Dispose ()
 Release any resources used. More...
bool VerifyDataConnection (string strSrc, ConnectInfo ci)
 Verify the data connection information. More...
void SaveChanges ()
 Saves any changes on the open satabase. More...
void Open (string strSrc, bool bForceLoadImageFilePath=false)
 Opens a data source. More...
void Refresh ()
 Close and re Open with the current data source. More...
string GetDatabaseFilePath (string strName)
 Query the physical database file path. More...
string GetDatabaseImagePath (string strName)
 Query the physical database file path for Images. More...
void UpdateLabelName (int nLabel, string strName, int nSrcId=0)
 Update the name of a label. More...
Label GetLabel (int nID)
 Return the Label with the given ID. More...
string GetLabelName (int nLabel, int nSrcId=0)
 Get the Label name of a label within a data source. More...
Label FindLabelInCache (int nLabel)
 Search for a Label in the label cache. More...
int GetLabelID (int nLabel)
 Returns the label ID associated with a label value. More...
int GetLabelCount (int nLabel)
 Returns the number of images under a given label. More...
void AddLabelToCache (int nLabel)
 Adds a label to the label cache. More...
void SaveLabelCache ()
 Saves the label cache to the database. More...
void UpdateLabelCounts (Dictionary< int, int > rgCounts, DNNEntities entities)
 Updates the label counts in the database for the open data source. More...
void LoadLabelCounts (Dictionary< int, int > rgCounts, int nSrcId=0)
 Load the label counts from the database for a data source. More...
string GetLabelCountsAsText (int nSrcId=0, ConnectInfo ci=null)
 Returns the label counts for a given data source. More...
void UpdateLabelCounts (Dictionary< int, int > rgCounts, int nSrcId=0)
 Update the label counts for a given data source. More...
void UpdateLabelCounts (int nSrcId=0, int nProjectId=0, ConnectInfo ci=null)
 Update the label counts for a given data source and project (optionally) by querying the database for the actual counts. More...
List< Label > GetLabels (bool bSort=true, bool bWithImagesOnly=false, int nSrcId=0, ConnectInfo ci=null)
 Returns a list of all labels used by a data source. More...
void DeleteLabels (int nSrcId=0)
 Delete the labels of a data source from the database. More...
int AddLabel (int nLabel, string strName="", int nSrcId=0, ConnectInfo ci=null)
 Add a label to the database for a data source. More...
void AddLabelBoost (int nProjectId, int nLabel, double dfBoost, int nSrcId=0)
 Add a label boost to the database for a given project. More...
void SetLabelMapping (LabelMapping map, int nSrcId=0)
 Saves a label mapping in the database for a data source. More...
void UpdateLabelMapping (int nNewLabel, List< int > rgOriginalLabels, int nSrcId=0)
 Update a label mapping in the database for a data source. More...
void ResetLabels (int nProjectId=0, int nSrcId=0)
 Resets all labels back to their original labels for a project. More...
void DeleteLabelBoosts (int nProjectId, int nSrcId=0)
 Delete all label boosts for a project. More...
void DeleteLabelBoosts (int nProjectId)
 Delete all label boosts for a project. More...
void ResetLabelBoosts (int nProjectId)
 Reset all label boosts to their orignal settings for a project. More...
List< LabelBoost > GetLabelBoosts (int nProjectId, bool bSort=true, int nSrcId=0)
 Returns a list of all label boosts set on a project. More...
string GetLabelBoostsAsText (int nProjectId, int nSrcId=0, bool bSort=true)
 Returns the Label boosts as a string. More...
void ActivateLabels (List< int > rgLabels, bool bActive, params int[] rgSrcId)
 Activate (or deactivate) the labels specified for each of the source ID's specified. More...
void UpdateLabelBoost (int? nTgtLbl, bool bTgtLblExact, int? nTgtBst, bool bTgtBstExact, int? nNewLbl, int? nNewBst, params int[] rgSrcId)
 Update the label and boost for a given search target criteria. More...
int GetImageCount ()
 Returns the number of raw images in the database for the open data source. More...
List< DbItemGetAllRawImageIndexes (bool bBoostedOnly, bool bIncludeActive=true, bool bIncludeInactive=false)
 Returns the list of the image indexes of all images. More...
List< RawImage > QueryRawImages (params int[] rgSrcId)
 Returns the list of raw images that have a source ID from a selected list. More...
List< RawImageParameter > QueryRawImageParameters (int nSrcId, string strName)
 Query a list of all raw image parameters of a give name stored with a given source ID. More...
List< RawImageParameter > QueryRawImageParameters (int nImageID)
 Query all image parameters for a given image. More...
List< RawImage > QueryRawImages (int nSrcId, bool? bActive=null, int nBoostVal=0, bool bExactBoostVal=false)
 Returns the list of raw images that have a source ID from a selected list. More...
List< RawImage > GetRawImagesAt (int nIdx, int nCount, int nSrcId=0, string strDescription=null)
 Returns a list of RawImages from the database for a data source. More...
List< RawImage > GetRawImagesAt (List< int > rgImageIdx, int nSrcId=0, string strDescription=null)
 Returns a list of RawImages from the database for a data source. More...
List< RawImage > GetRawImagesAtID (List< int > rgImageID, int nSrcId=0, string strDescription=null)
 Returns a list of RawImages from the database for a data source. More...
RawImage GetRawImageAt (int nIdx, int nSrcId=0)
 Returns the RawImage at a given image index. More...
int GetRawImageID (DateTime dt, int nSrcId=0)
 Returns the RawImage ID for the image with the given time-stamp. More...
byte[] GetRawImageData (RawImage img, bool bLoadDataCriteria, bool bLoadDebugData, out byte[] rgDataCriteria, out int? nDataCriteriaFmtId, out byte[] rgDebugData, out int? nDebugDataFmtId)
 Returns the raw data of the RawImage. More...
byte[] GetRawImageDataCriteria (RawImage img, out int? nDataCriteriaFmtId)
 Returns the raw data criteria data of the RawImage. More...
byte[] GetRawImageDebugData (RawImage img, out int? nDebugDataFormatId)
 Returns the raw debug data data of the RawImage. More...
byte[] GetRawImageDebugData (byte[] rgData, int? nOriginalSourceID=null)
 Converts the raw image debug data which may be stored as a path to the underlying data file, to the actual data. More...
byte[] GetRawImageDebugData (int nImgID, int? nOriginalSourceID=null)
 Queries the Debug Data for an image an Converts the raw image data criteria data which may be stored as a path to the underlying data file, to the actual data. More...
byte[] GetRawImageDataCriteria (byte[] rgData, int? nOriginalSourceID=null)
 Converts the raw image data criteria data which may be stored as a path to the underlying data file, to the actual data. More...
byte[] GetRawImageDataCriteria (int nImgID, int? nOriginalSourceID=null)
 Queries the Data Criteria for an image an Converts the raw image data criteria data which may be stored as a path to the underlying data file, to the actual data. More...
bool ChangeRawImageSourceID (int nID, int nNewSrcID, bool bSave=true)
 Change the data source ID on a raw image - currently only allowed on virtual raw images. More...
bool UpdateActiveLabel (int nID, int nLabel, bool bActivate=true, bool bSaveChanges=true)
 Update the label value of a label. More...
void UpdateActiveLabelByID (int nID, int nLabel)
 Update the label value of a label. More...
void UpdateActiveLabelByIndex (int nSrcId, int nIdx, int nLabel)
 Update the label value of a label. More...
void UpdateAllActiveLabels (int nSrcId, int nLabel, int? nOriginalLabel)
 Update the all items to a label value for the given nSrcId. More...
void ResetAllActiveLabels (int nSrcId)
 Reset the all active labels to their original label within a source. More...
void DisableLabel (int nSrcId, int nLabel, bool bOriginalLabel=false)
 Disable a set of labels within the source specified by the ID. More...
void DisableAllLabels (int nSrcId)
 Disable all labels within the source specified by the ID. More...
int DisableAllNonMatchingImages (int nSrcId, int nWidth, int nHeight)
 Disable all images that do not have a matching widxht size. More...
void ActivateRawImageByIndex (int nSrcId, int nIdx, bool bActive)
 Activate/deactivate a raw image based on its index. More...
void UpdateActiveLabelDirect (int nID, int nLabel)
 Directly update the active label and activate the image with the specified ID. More...
bool UpdateRawImageDescription (int nID, string strDescription)
 Update the description of a RawImage. More...
bool UpdateRawImageDescriptionFromParameter (int nID, string strParamName)
 Update the RawImage description from a RawImage parameter. More...
List< int > QueryAllRawImageIDs (int nSrcId=0, int nMax=int.MaxValue, int nLabel=-1, int nBoost=-1, bool bBoostIsExact=false, bool bAnnotatedOnly=false, bool bActiveOnly=true)
 Returns the ID's of all RawImages within a data source. More...
RawImage CreateRawImage (int nIdx, SimpleDatum d, int nBackgroundWritingThreadCount, string strDescription=null, int? nOriginalSourceID=null, bool bActive=true)
 Create a new RawImage but do not add it to the database. More...
bool WaitForFileWriter (int nWait=int.MaxValue)
 Wait for the file writer to complete writing all files. More...
bool ConvertRawImagesSaveToFile (int nIdx, int nCount, CancelEvent evtCancel=null)
 The ConvertRawImagesSaveToFile method saves the image in the database to the file system and replaces the database data with the path to the saved image, thus saving database space. More...
bool ConvertRawImagesSaveToDatabase (int nIdx, int nCount, CancelEvent evtCancel=null)
 The ConvertRawImagesSaveToDatabase method saves the image in the file system to the database and deletes the file from the file system. More...
void FixupRawImageCopy (int nImageID, int nSecondarySrcId)
 The FixupRawImageCopy method is used to fixup the OriginalSourceId by setting it to a secondary source ID in the event that the path created using the PrimarySourceID does not have the image data file. More...
void PutRawImageParameters (List< ParameterData > rgParam, ConnectInfo ci=null)
 Save a list of raw image parameters. More...
void PutRawImages (List< RawImage > rgImg, List< List< ParameterData > > rgrgParam=null, ConnectInfo ci=null)
 Saves a List of RawImages to the database. More...
int PutRawImage (int nIdx, SimpleDatum d, string strDescription=null)
 Save a SimpleDatum as a RawImage in the database. More...
RawImage GetRawImage (int nID)
 Returns the RawImage with a given ID. More...
int QueryRawImageCount (int nSrcId=0)
 Returns the number of RawImages in a data source. More...
void DeleteRawImages (int nSrcId=0)
 Delete all RawImages in a data source. More...
void DeleteRawImageResults (int nSrcId=0)
 Delete all RawImageResults for a data source. More...
RawImageMean GetRawImageMean (int nSrcId=0, ConnectInfo ci=null)
 Return the RawImageMean for the image mean from the open data source. More...
int PutRawImageMean (SimpleDatum sd, bool bUpdate, int nSrcId=0, ConnectInfo ci=null)
 Save the SimpleDatum as a RawImageMean in the database. More...
bool CopyImageMean (int nSrcIdSrc, int nSrcIdDst, ConnectInfo ci=null)
 Copy the raw image mean from one source to another. More...
void DeleteRawImageMeans (int nSrcId=0)
 Delete all RawImageMeans for a data source. More...
int GetBoostCount (int nSrcId=0, string strFilterVal=null, int? nBoostVal=null)
 Return the number of boosted images for a data source. More...
int ActivateFiltered (int nSrcId=0, string strFilterVal=null, int? nBoostVal=null)
 Activate the images that meet the filtering criteria in the Data Source. If no filtering criteria is set, all images are activated. More...
int GetImageCount (int nSrcId=0, bool bActive=true, bool bInactive=true, ConnectInfo ci=null)
 Get the number of images in the source. More...
void ResetAllBoosts (int nSrcId=0, int nMinBoost=0, bool bExactVal=false, int nDesiredBoostVal=-1)
 Reset all image boosts for a data set. More...
void UpdateBoost (long nImageID, int nBoost)
 Update the image boost of a given image. More...
void UpdateBoosts (int nSrcId, DateTime dtStart, DateTime dtEnd, int nBoost)
 Update the boost of all images between a date range. More...
List< RawImage > ReindexRawImages (Log log, CancelEvent evtCancel, int nSrcId=0)
 Reindex the RawImages of a data source. More...
bool UpdateRawImageSourceID (int nImageID, int nSrcID)
 Updates a given image's source ID. More...
bool ActivateRawImage (int nImageID, bool bActivate, bool bSave=true)
 Activate/Deactivate a given image. More...
void ActivateAllRawImages (bool bActive, bool bAnnotatedOnly, params int[] rgSrcId)
 Activate all raw images associated with a set of source ID's. More...
void ActivateAllRawImages (bool bActive, bool bAnnotatedOnly, int? nTgtLabel, bool bTargetLabelExact, int? nTgtBoost, bool bTargetBoostExact, params int[] rgSrcId)
 Activate all raw images associated with a set of source ID's. More...
void UpdateDatasetImageAnnotations (int nSrcId, int nImageId, AnnotationGroupCollection annotations, bool bSetLabelOnly)
 Update the annotations of a given raw image. More...
int PutRawImageResults (int nSrcId, int nIdx, int nLabel, DateTime dt, List< Result > rgResults, bool bInvert, List< Tuple< DateTime, int > > rgExtra=null)
 Save the results of a Run as a RawImageResult. More...
int PutRawImageResults (int nSrcId, int nIdx, int nLabel, DateTime dt, List< Tuple< SimpleDatum, List< Result > > > rgrgResults, List< Tuple< DateTime, int > > rgExtra=null)
 Save the results of a Run as a RawImageResult. More...
List< Tuple< SimpleDatum, List< Result > > > GetRawImageResultBatch (int nBatchCount, byte[] rgResults)
 Extracts the raw image result batch from the result binary data. More...
int PutRawImageResultExtraData (int nRawImageResultID, byte[] rgExtraData)
 Set the raw image result extra data field. More...
List< RawImageResult > GetRawImageResults (int nSrcId=0, bool bRequireExtraData=false, int nMax=-1)
 Returns the RawImageResults for a data source. More...
string GetRawImageParameter (int nRawImageID, string strName, string strDefault)
 Return the string value of a RawImage parameter. More...
int GetRawImageParameter (int nRawImageID, string strName, int nDefault)
 Return the int value of a RawImage parameter. More...
double GetRawImageParameter (int nRawImageID, string strName, double dfDefault)
 Return the double value of a RawImage parameter. More...
bool GetRawImageParameter (int nRawImageID, string strName, bool bDefault)
 Return the bool value of a RawImage parameter. More...
byte[] GetRawImageParameterData (int nRawImageID, string strName)
 Return the byte array data of a RawImage parameter. More...
RawImageParameter GetRawImageParameterEx (int nRawImageID, string strName)
 Returns the RawImageParameter entity given the image ID and parameter name.. More...
int SetRawImageParameter (int nRawImageID, string strName, string strValue, double? dfVal=null, byte[] rgData=null, bool bSave=true, bool bOnlyAddNew=false, DNNEntities entities=null)
 Add a new RawImage parameter (or update an existing if found). More...
int SetRawImageParameter (int nSrcId, int nRawImageID, string strName, string strValue, double? dfVal=null, byte[] rgData=null)
 Add a new RawImage parameter (or update an existing if found). More...
int SetRawImageParameterAt (DateTime dt, string strName, string strValue, double? dfVal, byte[] rgData)
 Set the RawImage parameter for all RawImages with the given time-stamp in the data source. More...
void DeleteRawImageParameters (int nSrcId)
 Delete all RawImage parameters within a data source. More...
int GetRawImageParameterCount (string strName, int nSrcId=0, string strType="TEXT")
 Returns the RawImage parameter count for a data source. More...
bool GetRawImageParameterExist (string strName, int nSrcId=0, string strType="TEXT")
 Returns whether or not a given RawImage parameter exists. More...
List< string > GetRawImageDistinctParameterDescriptions (int nSrcId=0)
 Returns a list of distinct RawImage parameter descriptions for a data source. More...
int AddRawImageGroup (Image img, int nIdx, DateTime dtStart, DateTime dtEnd, List< double > rgProperties)
 Adds a new RawImage group to the database. More...
int PutRawImageGroup (RawImageGroup g)
 Adds a RawImageGroup to the database. More...
RawImageGroup FindRawImageGroup (int nIdx, DateTime dtStart, DateTime dtEnd)
 Searches for a RawImageGroup by index, start time-stamp and end time-stamp. More...
int FindRawImageGroupID (int nIdx, DateTime dtStart, DateTime dtEnd)
 Searches fro the RawImageGroup ID. More...
void DeleteRawImageGroups ()
 Deletes all RawImage groups More...
void DeleteSourceData ()
 Deletes the data source data for the open data source. More...
void UpdateSaveImagesToFile (bool bSaveToFile, int nSrcId=0)
 Update the SaveImagesToFile flag in a given Data Source. More...
void UpdateSource (int nChannels, int nWidth, int nHeight, bool bDataIsReal, int nSrcId=0)
 Updates a data source. More...
void UpdateSourceCounts (int nImageCount, ConnectInfo ci=null)
 Updates the source counts for the open data source. More...
void UpdateSourceCounts (ConnectInfo ci=null)
 Updates the source counts for the open data source by querying the database for the counts. More...
int GetSourceID (string strName, ConnectInfo ci=null)
 Returns the ID of a data source given its name. More...
string GetSourceName (int nID, ConnectInfo ci=null)
 Returns the name of a data source given its ID. More...
Source GetSource (string strName, ConnectInfo ci=null)
 Returns the Source entity given a data source name. More...
Source GetSource (int nID, ConnectInfo ci=null)
 Returns the Source entity given a data source ID. More...
int PutSource (Source src, ConnectInfo ci=null)
 Adds or updates (if exists) a data source to the database. More...
int AddSource (string strName, int nChannels, int nWidth, int nHeight, bool bDataIsReal, int nCopyOfSourceID=0, bool bSaveImagesToFile=true, ConnectInfo ci=null)
 Adds a new data source to the database. More...
void DeleteSources (params string[] rgstrSrc)
 Delete the list of data sources, listed by name, from the database. More...
void DeleteSourceData (string strSrc)
 Delete the data source data (images, means, results and parameters) from the database. More...
Dictionary< string, string > GetSourceParameters (int nSrcId=0, ConnectInfo ci=null)
 Returns a dictionary of the data source parameters. More...
string GetSourceParameter (string strName, int nSrcId=0)
 Return the data source parameter as a string. More...
int GetSourceParameter (string strName, int nDefault, int nSrcId=0)
 Return the data source parameter as an int. More...
double GetSourceParameter (string strName, double dfDefault, int nSrcId=0)
 Return the data source parameter as a double. More...
bool GetSourceParameter (string strName, bool bDefault, int nSrcId=0)
 Return the data source parameter as a bool. More...
void SetSourceParameter (string strName, string strValue, int nSrcId=0)
 Set the value of a data source parameter. More...
DateTime GetFirstTimeStamp (int nSrcId=0, string strDesc=null)
 Returns the first time-stamp in the data source. More...
DateTime GetLastTimeStamp (int nSrcId=0, string strDesc=null)
 Returns the last time-stamp in the data source. More...
DateTime GetLastTimeStamp (DateTime dtStart, DateTime dtEnd, bool bEndInclusive, int nSrcId=0, string strDesc=null)
 Returns the last time-stamp in the data source. More...
DateTime GetLastTimeStamp (out int nIndex, int nSrcId=0, string strDesc=null)
 Returns the last time-stamp and index in the data source. More...
DateTime GetLastTimeStamp (DateTime dtStart, DateTime dtEnd, bool bEndInclusive, out int nIndex, int nSrcId=0, string strDesc=null)
 Returns the last time-stamp and index in the data source falling within a time range. More...
string FindDatasetNameFromSourceName (string strTrainSrc, string strTestSrc)
 Searches for the data set name based on the training and testing source names. More...
int FindDatasetFromSourceId (int nSourceId)
 Searches for the dataset containing the sourceId. More...
int GetDatasetID (string strName, ConnectInfo ci=null)
 Returns a datasets ID given its name. More...
string GetDatasetName (int nID, ConnectInfo ci=null)
 Returns the name of a dataset given its ID. More...
Dataset GetDataset (int nID, ConnectInfo ci=null)
 Returns the Dataset entity for a dataset ID. More...
Dataset GetDataset (string strName)
 Returns the Dataset entity for a dataset name. More...
Dataset GetDataset (string strTestingSrc, string strTrainingSrc)
 Returns the Dataset entity containing the training and testing source names. More...
int AddDataset (int nDsCreatorID, string strName, int nTestSrcId, int nTrainSrcId, int nDsGroupID=0, int nModelGroupID=0, ConnectInfo ci=null, bool bVerify=true)
 Add a new (or update an existing if exists) dataset to the database. More...
void UpdateDatasetDescription (int nDsId, string strDesc)
 Update the description of a given dataset. More...
void UpdateDatasetCounts (int nDsId, ConnectInfo ci=null)
 Update the dataset counts. More...
int PutDataset (Dataset ds)
 Save the Dataset entity to the database. More...
DatasetGroup GetDatasetGroup (int nGroupID, ConnectInfo ci=null)
 Returns the DatasetGroup entity given a group ID. More...
string GetDatasetGroupName (int nGroupID)
 Returns the name of a dataset group given its ID. More...
Dictionary< string, string > GetDatasetParameters (int nDsId, ConnectInfo ci=null)
 Returns all dataset parameters for a given dataset. More...
string GetDatasetParameter (int nDsId, string strName)
 Returns the value of a dataset parameter as a string. More...
int GetDatasetParameter (int nDsId, string strName, int nDefault)
 Returns the value of a dataset parameter as an int. More...
double GetDatasetParameter (int nDsId, string strName, double dfDefault)
 Returns the value of a dataset parameter as a double. More...
bool GetDatasetParameter (int nDsId, string strName, bool bDefault)
 Returns the value of a dataset parameter as a bool. More...
void SetDatasetParameter (int nDsId, string strName, string strValue)
 Adds a new parameter or Sets the value of an existing dataset parameter. More...
void SetDatasetParameters (int nDsId, Dictionary< string, string > rgP)
 Adds a batch of new parametes. More...
List< Dataset > GetAllDatasets (int nDatasetGroupID)
 Returns a list of all datasets within a group. More...
List< Dataset > GetAllDatasetsWithCreators (int nDatasetGroupID)
 Returns a list of all datasets within a group with dataset creators. More...
List< Dataset > GetAllDatasetsWithCreator (int nDsCreatorID, bool? bRelabeled=null)
 Returns a list of all datasets within a group with dataset creators. More...
int GetDatasetGroupID (string strName)
 Returns the ID of a dataset group given its name. More...
string GetDatasetCreatorName (int nDatasetCreatorID, ConnectInfo ci=null)
 Returns the name of a dataset creator given its ID. More...
int GetDatasetCreatorID (string strName)
 Returns the ID of a dataset creator given its name. More...
void ResetAllDatasetRelabelWithCreator (int nDsCreatorID)
 Reset all dataset relabel flags with a given creator. More...
void UpdateDatasetRelabel (int nDsID, bool bRelabel)
 Update the dataset relabel flag for a dataset. More...
DateTime GetDatasetMinimumTimestamp (int nDsID)
 Returns the minimum time-stamp for a dataset. More...
DateTime GetDatasetMaximumTimestamp (int nDsID)
 Returns the maximum time-stamp for a dataset. More...
void UpdateDatasetCounts (CancelEvent evtCancel, Log log, int nDatasetCreatorID, List< string > rgstrDs, string strParamNameForDescription)
 Updates the dataset counts for a set of datasets. More...
ModelGroup GetModelGroup (int nGroupID, ConnectInfo ci=null)
 Returns the ModelGroup entity given the ID of a model group. More...
string GetModelGroupName (int nGroupID)
 Returns the name of a model group given its ID. More...
int GetModelGroupID (string strGroup)
 Retruns the ID of a model group given its name. More...
List< Dataset > GetAllDatasetsInModelGroup (int nModelGroupId)
 Returns all Dataset entities within a given model group. More...
void DeleteModelGroup (string strGroup, Log log, CancelEvent evtCancel)
 Deletes a model group from the database. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static void DeleteDatasetTemporalTables (int nSrcIDTrain, int nSrcIDTest, Log log, CancelEvent evtCancel)
 Delete a dataset temporal tables.. More...
static bool DeleteRawValuesEx (int nSrcId, Log log, CancelEvent evtCancel)
 Delete all RawValues in a data source. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from MyCaffe.db.image.Database
static byte[] PackExtraData (List< Tuple< DateTime, int > > rg)
 Pack the extra data into a byte array. More...
static List< Tuple< DateTime, int > > UnpackExtraData (byte[] rg)
 Unpack the extra data from a byte array. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from MyCaffe.db.image.Database
 Defines the force load type. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from MyCaffe.db.image.Database
virtual void setImagePath (FORCE_LOAD nForceLoad)
 Sets the image path member to the path used when saving binary data to the file system. More...
virtual string getImagePath (string strSrcName=null)
 Returns the base image path used when saving binary data to the file system. More...
byte[] getRawImage (byte[] rgData, int? nSecondarySrcId=null, ConnectInfo ci=null, DNNEntities entities=null, bool bTestConnection=false)
 Converts a set of bytes from a file path-name by loading its bytes and returning them, or if the original bytes do not contain a path, just returns the original bytes. More...
string getImagePath (byte[] rgData)
 Returns the file path contained within a byte array or null if no path is found. More...
byte[] setImageByteData (byte[] rgImg, string strType=null, string strGuid=null, int nBackgroundWritingThreadCount=0)
 When enabled, saves the bytes to file and returns the file name of the binary file saved as an array of bytes.. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from MyCaffe.db.image.Database
Source m_src = null
 Specifies the default data source. More...
string m_strPrimaryImgPath = null
 Specifies the base path to the file based data. More...
string m_strSecondaryImgPath = null
 Specifies the secondary base path to the file based data (used when copying a data source) More...
bool m_bEnableFileBasedData = false
 Specifies whether or not file based data is enabled. More...
int m_nLastIndex = -1
 Specifies the last index added to the data source. More...
- Properties inherited from MyCaffe.db.image.Database
int LastIndex [get]
 Returns the last image index added to the database. More...
Source CurrentSource [get]
 Returns the current entity framwork Source object set during the previous call to Open(). More...

Detailed Description

The DatabaseTemporal is used to manage all temporal specific database objects.

Definition at line 24 of file DatabaseTemporal.cs.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ DatabaseTemporal()

MyCaffe.db.temporal.DatabaseTemporal.DatabaseTemporal ( )

The constructor.

Definition at line 36 of file DatabaseTemporal.cs.

Member Function Documentation

◆ AddValueItem()

int MyCaffe.db.temporal.DatabaseTemporal.AddValueItem ( int  nSrcId,
int  nItemIdx,
string  strName,
DateTime?  dtStart = null,
DateTime?  dtEnd = null,
int?  nSteps = null 

Add a new value item to the database.

nSrcIdSpecifies the source ID of the value item.
nItemIdxSpecifies the index of the item.
strNameSpecifies the name of the value item.
dtStartOptionally, specifies the start time.
dtEndOptionally, specifies the end time.
nStepsOptionally, specifies the steps.
The value item ID is returned.

Definition at line 382 of file DatabaseTemporal.cs.

◆ AddValueStream()

int MyCaffe.db.temporal.DatabaseTemporal.AddValueStream ( int  nSrcID,
string  strName,
int  nOrdering,
DateTime?  dtStart = null,
DateTime?  dtEnd = null,
int?  nSecPerStep = null,
int  nTotalSteps = 1 

Add a new value stream to the source ID.

nSrcIDSpecifies the source ID.
strNameSpecifies the value stream name.
nOrderingSpecifies the value stream ordering.
classTypeSpecifies the value stream class type (STATIC, OBSERVED or KNOWN)
valTypeSpecifies the value stream type (NUMERIC or CATEGORICAL).
dtStartOptionally, specifies the value stream start date (null for STATIC).
dtEndOptionally, specifies the value stream end date (null for STATIC).
nSecPerStepOptionally, specifies the value stream seconds per step (null for STATIC).
nTotalStepsOptionally, specifies the total number of steps (1 for STATIC).
The ID of the value stream added is returned.

Definition at line 547 of file DatabaseTemporal.cs.

◆ ClearRawValues()

void MyCaffe.db.temporal.DatabaseTemporal.ClearRawValues ( )

Clear the raw values.

Definition at line 344 of file DatabaseTemporal.cs.

◆ Close()

override void MyCaffe.db.temporal.DatabaseTemporal.Close ( )

Close the current data source.

Reimplemented from MyCaffe.db.image.Database.

Definition at line 83 of file DatabaseTemporal.cs.

◆ DeleteDataset()

override void MyCaffe.db.temporal.DatabaseTemporal.DeleteDataset ( string  strDsName,
bool  bDeleteRelatedProjects,
Log  log,
CancelEvent  evtCancel 

Delete a dataset.

strDsNameSpecifies the dataset name.
bDeleteRelatedProjectsSpecifies whether or not to also delete all projects using the dataset. WARNING! Use this with caution for it will permenantly delete the projects and their results.
logSpecifies the Log object for status output.
evtCancelSpecifies the cancel event used to cancel the delete.

Reimplemented from MyCaffe.db.image.Database.

Definition at line 151 of file DatabaseTemporal.cs.

◆ DeleteDatasetTemporalTables()

static void MyCaffe.db.temporal.DatabaseTemporal.DeleteDatasetTemporalTables ( int  nSrcIDTrain,
int  nSrcIDTest,
Log  log,
CancelEvent  evtCancel 

Delete a dataset temporal tables..

nSrcIDTrainSpecifies the train source ID.
nSrcIDTestSpecifies the test source ID.
logSpecifies the Log object for status output.
evtCancelSpecifies the cancel event used to cancel the delete.

Definition at line 172 of file DatabaseTemporal.cs.

◆ DeleteRawValues()

void MyCaffe.db.temporal.DatabaseTemporal.DeleteRawValues ( int  nSrcId = 0)

Delete all RawValues in a data source.

nSrcIdOptionally, specifies the ID of the data source (default = 0, which then uses the open data source ID).

Definition at line 195 of file DatabaseTemporal.cs.

◆ DeleteRawValuesEx()

static bool MyCaffe.db.temporal.DatabaseTemporal.DeleteRawValuesEx ( int  nSrcId,
Log  log,
CancelEvent  evtCancel 

Delete all RawValues in a data source.

nSrcIdSpecifies the data source.
logSpecifies the output log.
evtCancelSpecifies the cancel event used to abort the operation.

Definition at line 214 of file DatabaseTemporal.cs.

◆ DeleteSource()

override bool MyCaffe.db.temporal.DatabaseTemporal.DeleteSource ( int  nSrcId = 0)

Delete a data source from the database.

nSrcIdOptionally, specifies the ID of the data source (default = 0, which then uses the open data source ID).
Returns true if the source was found.

Reimplemented from MyCaffe.db.image.Database.

Definition at line 107 of file DatabaseTemporal.cs.

◆ DeleteSourceData()

override bool MyCaffe.db.temporal.DatabaseTemporal.DeleteSourceData ( int  nSrcId = 0)

Delete the data source data (images, means, results and parameters) from the database.

nSrcIdOptionally, specifies the ID of the data source (default = 0, which then uses the open data source ID).
Returns true if the source was found.

Reimplemented from MyCaffe.db.image.Database.

Definition at line 133 of file DatabaseTemporal.cs.

◆ DeleteValueItems()

void MyCaffe.db.temporal.DatabaseTemporal.DeleteValueItems ( int  nSrcId = 0)

Delete all ValueItems in a data source.

nSrcIdOptionally, specifies the ID of the data source (default = 0, which then uses the open data source ID).

Definition at line 257 of file DatabaseTemporal.cs.

◆ EnableBulk()

void MyCaffe.db.temporal.DatabaseTemporal.EnableBulk ( bool  bEnable)

Enable bulk inserts.

bEnableEnables the bulk mode.

Definition at line 62 of file DatabaseTemporal.cs.

◆ GetAllItemIDs()

List< int > MyCaffe.db.temporal.DatabaseTemporal.GetAllItemIDs ( int  nSrcID)

Returns a list of all value item IDs associated with a SourceID.

nSrcIDSpecifies the source ID.
The list of item ID's is returned.

Definition at line 453 of file DatabaseTemporal.cs.

◆ GetAllItemIndices()

List< int > MyCaffe.db.temporal.DatabaseTemporal.GetAllItemIndices ( int  nSrcID)

Returns a list of all value item Indices associated with a SourceID.

nSrcIDSpecifies the source ID.
The list of item Inidices is returned.

Definition at line 509 of file DatabaseTemporal.cs.

◆ GetAllValueItems()

List< ValueItem > MyCaffe.db.temporal.DatabaseTemporal.GetAllValueItems ( int  nSrcID)

Returns a list of all value items associated with a SourceID.

nSrcIDSpecifies the source ID.
The list of all value items is returned.

Definition at line 522 of file DatabaseTemporal.cs.

◆ GetAllValueStreams()

List< ValueStream > MyCaffe.db.temporal.DatabaseTemporal.GetAllValueStreams ( int  nSrcID)

Returns a list of all value streams associated with a SourceID.

nSrcIDSpecifies the source ID.
The list of all value streams is returned.

Definition at line 583 of file DatabaseTemporal.cs.

◆ GetValueItemID()

int MyCaffe.db.temporal.DatabaseTemporal.GetValueItemID ( string  strName)

Returns the value item ID given the value item name if found, or 0.

strNameSpecifies the value item to find.
The value item ID is returned or 0 if not found.

Definition at line 410 of file DatabaseTemporal.cs.

◆ GetValueItemIndex()

int MyCaffe.db.temporal.DatabaseTemporal.GetValueItemIndex ( string  strName)

Returns the value item ID given the value item name if found, or 0.

strNameSpecifies the value item to find.
The value item ID is returned or 0 if not found.

Definition at line 466 of file DatabaseTemporal.cs.

◆ GetValueItemNamByIndex()

string MyCaffe.db.temporal.DatabaseTemporal.GetValueItemNamByIndex ( int  nIdx)

Returns the value item name given the value item index if found, or 0.

nIdxSpecifies the index of the value item to find.
The value item name is returned or null if not found.

Definition at line 484 of file DatabaseTemporal.cs.

◆ GetValueItemName()

string MyCaffe.db.temporal.DatabaseTemporal.GetValueItemName ( int  nID)

Returns the value item ID given the value item name if found, or 0.

nIDSpecifies the value item ID to find.
The value item name is returned or null if not found.

Definition at line 428 of file DatabaseTemporal.cs.

◆ GetValues()

RawValueSet MyCaffe.db.temporal.DatabaseTemporal.GetValues ( int  nSrcID,
int  nItemID 

Load the static value stream categorical values for a given source and item.

nSrcIDSpecifies the source ID.
nItemIDSpecifies the item ID.
A list of the static raw values is returned.

Definition at line 355 of file DatabaseTemporal.cs.

◆ Open()

override void MyCaffe.db.temporal.DatabaseTemporal.Open ( int  nSrcId,
ConnectInfo  ci = null 

Opens a data source.

nSrcIdSpecifies the ID of the data source to open.
nForceLoadOptionally, specifies how to force load the data (default = NONE).
ciOptionally, specifies a specific connection to use (default = null).

Reimplemented from MyCaffe.db.image.Database.

Definition at line 51 of file DatabaseTemporal.cs.

◆ PutRawValue() [1/2]

void MyCaffe.db.temporal.DatabaseTemporal.PutRawValue ( int  nSrcID,
int  nItemID,
DateTime  dt,
RawValueDataCollection  data,
bool  bActive 

Add raw values for a data stream.

nSrcIDSpecifies the source ID.
nItemIDSpecifies the item ID.
dtSpecifies the date/time associated with the value.
dataSpecifies the raw data values.
bActiveSpecifies the active state of the record.
ExceptionAn exception is thrown on error.

Definition at line 306 of file DatabaseTemporal.cs.

◆ PutRawValue() [2/2]

void MyCaffe.db.temporal.DatabaseTemporal.PutRawValue ( int  nSrcID,
int  nItemID,
RawValueDataCollection  data 

Add static raw values for a data stream.

nSrcIDSpecifies the source ID.
nItemIDSpecifies the item ID.
dataSpecifies the raw data values.
ExceptionAn exception is thrown on error.

Definition at line 283 of file DatabaseTemporal.cs.

◆ SaveRawValues()

void MyCaffe.db.temporal.DatabaseTemporal.SaveRawValues ( )

Save the raw values.

Definition at line 322 of file DatabaseTemporal.cs.

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