Deep learning software for Windows C# programmers.
MyCaffe.basecode.BaseParameter Class Referenceabstract

The BaseParameter class is the base class for all other parameter classes. More...

Inheritance diagram for MyCaffe.basecode.BaseParameter:
MyCaffe.param.BlobProto MyCaffe.param.BlobShape MyCaffe.param.FillerParameter MyCaffe.param.LayerParameter MyCaffe.param.LayerParameterBase MyCaffe.param.NetParameter MyCaffe.param.NetState MyCaffe.param.NetStateRule MyCaffe.param.ParamSpec MyCaffe.param.SolverParameter MyCaffe.param.ssd.BatchSampler MyCaffe.param.ssd.Sampler MyCaffe.param.ssd.SamplerConstraint

Public Member Functions

 BaseParameter ()
 Constructor for the parameter. More...
abstract RawProto ToProto (string strName)
 Convert the parameter into a RawProto. More...
virtual bool Compare (BaseParameter p)
 Compare this parameter to another parameter. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static double ParseDouble (string strVal)
 Parse double values using the US culture if the decimal separator = '.', then using the native culture, and if then lastly trying the US culture to handle prototypes containing '.' as the separator, yet parsed in a culture that does not use '.' as a decimal. More...
static bool TryParse (string strVal, out double df)
 Parse double values using the US culture if the decimal separator = '.', then using the native culture, and if then lastly trying the US culture to handle prototypes containing '.' as the separator, yet parsed in a culture that does not use '.' as a decimal. More...
static float ParseFloat (string strVal)
 Parse float values using the US culture if the decimal separator = '.', then using the native culture, and if then lastly trying the US culture to handle prototypes containing '.' as the separator, yet parsed in a culture that does not use '.' as a decimal. More...
static bool TryParse (string strVal, out float f)
 Parse doufloatble values using the US culture if the decimal separator = '.', then using the native culture, and if then lastly trying the US culture to handle prototypes containing '.' as the separator, yet parsed in a culture that does not use '.' as a decimal. More...

Detailed Description

The BaseParameter class is the base class for all other parameter classes.

Definition at line 17 of file BaseParameter.cs.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ BaseParameter()

MyCaffe.basecode.BaseParameter.BaseParameter ( )

Constructor for the parameter.

Definition at line 24 of file BaseParameter.cs.

Member Function Documentation

◆ Compare()

virtual bool MyCaffe.basecode.BaseParameter.Compare ( BaseParameter  p)

Compare this parameter to another parameter.

pSpecifies the other parameter to compare with this one.
Returns true if the two parameters are the same, false otherwise.

Definition at line 127 of file BaseParameter.cs.

◆ ParseDouble()

static double MyCaffe.basecode.BaseParameter.ParseDouble ( string  strVal)

Parse double values using the US culture if the decimal separator = '.', then using the native culture, and if then lastly trying the US culture to handle prototypes containing '.' as the separator, yet parsed in a culture that does not use '.' as a decimal.

strValSpecifies the value to parse.
The double value is returned.

Definition at line 35 of file BaseParameter.cs.

◆ ParseFloat()

static float MyCaffe.basecode.BaseParameter.ParseFloat ( string  strVal)

Parse float values using the US culture if the decimal separator = '.', then using the native culture, and if then lastly trying the US culture to handle prototypes containing '.' as the separator, yet parsed in a culture that does not use '.' as a decimal.

strValSpecifies the value to parse.
The float value is returned.

Definition at line 78 of file BaseParameter.cs.

◆ ToProto()

abstract RawProto MyCaffe.basecode.BaseParameter.ToProto ( string  strName)
pure virtual

Convert the parameter into a RawProto.

strNameSpecifies the name to associate with the RawProto.
The new RawProto is returned.

Implemented in MyCaffe.param.AttentionParameter, MyCaffe.param.ConvolutionOctaveParameter, MyCaffe.param.beta.DataSequenceParameter, MyCaffe.param.beta.DecodeParameter, MyCaffe.param.beta.GatherParameter, MyCaffe.param.InterpParameter, MyCaffe.param.beta.KnnParameter, MyCaffe.param.LSTMAttentionParameter, MyCaffe.param.MeanErrorLossParameter, MyCaffe.param.beta.MergeParameter, MyCaffe.param.beta.MishParameter, MyCaffe.param.ModelDataParameter, MyCaffe.param.beta.Normalization1Parameter, MyCaffe.param.beta.SerfParameter, MyCaffe.param.beta.SqueezeParameter, MyCaffe.param.TextDataParameter, MyCaffe.param.beta.TransposeParameter, MyCaffe.param.beta.TripletLossParameter, MyCaffe.param.beta.UnPoolingParameter, MyCaffe.param.gpt.CausalSelfAttentionParameter, MyCaffe.param.gpt.GeluParameter, MyCaffe.param.gpt.LayerNormParameter, MyCaffe.param.gpt.MultiheadAttentionParameter, MyCaffe.param.gpt.NLLLossParameter, MyCaffe.param.gpt.PositionalEncoderParameter, MyCaffe.param.gpt.TokenizedDataPairsParameter, MyCaffe.param.gpt.TokenizedDataParameter, MyCaffe.param.gpt.TransformerBlockParameter, MyCaffe.param.HDF5DataParameter, MyCaffe.param.lnn.CfcParameter, MyCaffe.param.lnn.CfcUnitParameter, MyCaffe.param.lnn.LtcUnitParameter, MyCaffe.param.nt.GramParameter, MyCaffe.param.nt.OneHotParameter, MyCaffe.param.nt.ScalarParameter, MyCaffe.param.nt.TVLossParameter, MyCaffe.param.python.PythonParameter, MyCaffe.param.ssd.AnnotatedDataParameter, MyCaffe.param.ssd.BatchSampler, MyCaffe.param.ssd.DetectionEvaluateParameter, MyCaffe.param.ssd.DetectionOutputParameter, MyCaffe.param.ssd.MultiBoxLossParameter, MyCaffe.param.ssd.Normalization2Parameter, MyCaffe.param.ssd.PermuteParameter, MyCaffe.param.ssd.PriorBoxParameter, MyCaffe.param.ssd.Sampler, MyCaffe.param.ssd.SamplerConstraint, MyCaffe.param.ssd.VideoDataParameter, MyCaffe.param.tft.CategoricalTransformationParameter, MyCaffe.param.tft.DataTemporalParameter, MyCaffe.param.tft.GateAddNormParameter, MyCaffe.param.tft.GluParameter, MyCaffe.param.tft.GrnParameter, MyCaffe.param.tft.MultiHeadAttentionInterpParameter, MyCaffe.param.tft.NumericTransformationParameter, MyCaffe.param.tft.QuantileAccuracyParameter, MyCaffe.param.tft.QuantileLossParameter, MyCaffe.param.tft.ReshapeTemporalParameter, MyCaffe.param.tft.VarSelNetParameter, MyCaffe.param.AccuracyParameter, MyCaffe.param.ArgMaxParameter, MyCaffe.param.BatchNormParameter, MyCaffe.param.BiasParameter, MyCaffe.param.BlobProto, MyCaffe.param.BlobShape, MyCaffe.param.ClipParameter, MyCaffe.param.ConcatParameter, MyCaffe.param.ConstantParameter, MyCaffe.param.ContrastiveLossParameter, MyCaffe.param.ConvolutionParameter, MyCaffe.param.CropParameter, MyCaffe.param.DataNormalizerParameter, MyCaffe.param.DataParameter, MyCaffe.param.DebugParameter, MyCaffe.param.DropoutParameter, MyCaffe.param.DummyDataParameter, MyCaffe.param.EltwiseParameter, MyCaffe.param.EluParameter, MyCaffe.param.EmbedParameter, MyCaffe.param.EngineParameter, MyCaffe.param.ExpParameter, MyCaffe.param.FillerParameter, MyCaffe.param.FlattenParameter, MyCaffe.param.GradientScaleParameter, MyCaffe.param.HingeLossParameter, MyCaffe.param.ImageDataParameter, MyCaffe.param.InfogainLossParameter, MyCaffe.param.InnerProductParameter, MyCaffe.param.InputParameter, MyCaffe.param.KernelParameter, MyCaffe.param.LabelMappingParameter, MyCaffe.param.LayerParameter, MyCaffe.param.LogParameter, MyCaffe.param.LossParameter, MyCaffe.param.LRNParameter, MyCaffe.param.LSTMSimpleParameter, MyCaffe.param.MathParameter, MyCaffe.param.MemoryDataParameter, MyCaffe.param.MVNParameter, MyCaffe.param.NetParameter, MyCaffe.param.NetState, MyCaffe.param.NetStateRule, MyCaffe.param.ParameterParameter, MyCaffe.param.ParamSpec, MyCaffe.param.PoolingParameter, MyCaffe.param.PowerParameter, MyCaffe.param.PReLUParameter, MyCaffe.param.RecurrentParameter, MyCaffe.param.ReductionParameter, MyCaffe.param.ReLUParameter, MyCaffe.param.ReshapeParameter, MyCaffe.param.ScaleParameter, MyCaffe.param.SliceParameter, MyCaffe.param.SoftmaxParameter, MyCaffe.param.SolverParameter, MyCaffe.param.SPPParameter, MyCaffe.param.SwishParameter, MyCaffe.param.ThresholdParameter, MyCaffe.param.TileParameter, and MyCaffe.param.TransformationParameter.

◆ TryParse() [1/2]

static bool MyCaffe.basecode.BaseParameter.TryParse ( string  strVal,
out double  df 

Parse double values using the US culture if the decimal separator = '.', then using the native culture, and if then lastly trying the US culture to handle prototypes containing '.' as the separator, yet parsed in a culture that does not use '.' as a decimal.

strValSpecifies the value to parse.
dfReturns the double value parsed.
Returns true on a successful parse.

Definition at line 57 of file BaseParameter.cs.

◆ TryParse() [2/2]

static bool MyCaffe.basecode.BaseParameter.TryParse ( string  strVal,
out float  f 

Parse doufloatble values using the US culture if the decimal separator = '.', then using the native culture, and if then lastly trying the US culture to handle prototypes containing '.' as the separator, yet parsed in a culture that does not use '.' as a decimal.

strValSpecifies the value to parse.
fReturns the float value parsed.
Returns true on a successful parse.

Definition at line 100 of file BaseParameter.cs.

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