Deep learning software for Windows C# programmers.
MyCaffe.param Namespace Reference

The MyCaffe.param namespace contains parameters used to create models. More...


namespace  beta
 The MyCaffe.param.beta parameters are used by the MyCaffe.layer.beta layers.
namespace  nt
 The MyCaffe.param.nt namespace defines the parameters used by the Nerual Style Transfer layers.
namespace  ssd
 The MyCaffe.param.ssd namespace contains all SSD related parameter objects that correspond to the native C++ Caffe prototxt file.


class  AccuracyParameter
 Specifies the parameters for the AccuracyLayer. More...
class  ArgMaxParameter
 Specifies the parameters for the ArgMaxLayer More...
class  AttentionParameter
 [/b DEPRECIATED, use MultiHeadAttention layers instead.] Specifies the parameters for the AttentionLayer. More...
class  BatchNormParameter
 Specifies the parameters for the BatchNormLayer. More...
class  BiasParameter
 Specifies the parameters for the BiasLayer More...
class  BlobProto
 The BlobProto contains the descripion of a blob. More...
class  BlobProtoCollection
 Specifies a collection of BlobProtos. More...
class  BlobShape
 Specifies the shape of a Blob. More...
class  ClipParameter
 Stores the parameters used by the ClipLayer More...
class  ConcatParameter
 Specifies the parameters for the ConcatLayer More...
class  ConstantParameter
 Specifies the parameters for the ConstantLayer. More...
class  ContrastiveLossParameter
 Specifies the parameters for the ContrastiveLossLayer. More...
class  ConvolutionOctaveParameter
 Specifies the parameters for the ConvolutionOctaveLayer. More...
class  ConvolutionParameter
 Specifies the parameters for the ConvolutionLayer. The default weight filler is set to the XavierFiller, and the default bias filler is set to ConstantFiller with a value of 0.1. More...
class  CropParameter
 Specifies the parameters for the MyCaffe.CropLayer. More...
class  DataDebugParameter
 The DataDebugParameter is used by the DataParameter when the 'enable_debugging' = True. More...
class  DataLabelMappingParameter
 Specifies the parameters for the DataLabelMappingParameter used to map labels by the DataTransformer.TransformLabel when active. More...
class  DataNoiseParameter
 The DataNoiseParameter is used by the DataParameter when the 'enable_noise_for_nonmatch' = True, which is used when 'images_per_blob' > 1. More...
class  DataNormalizerParameter
 Specifies the parameter for the data normalizer layer. More...
class  DataParameter
 Specifies the parameter for the data layer. More...
class  DebugParameter
 Specifies the parameters used by the DebugLayer More...
class  DropoutParameter
 Specifies the parameters of the DropoutLayer. More...
class  DummyDataParameter
 This layer produces N >= 1 top blobs. DummyDataParameter must specify 1 or shape fields, and 0, 1 or N data fillers. This layer is initialized with the ReLUParameter. More...
class  EltwiseParameter
 Specifies the parameters for the EltwiseLayer. More...
class  EluParameter
 Specifies the parameters for the EluLayer. More...
class  EmbedParameter
 Specifies the parameters used by the EmbedLayer. More...
class  EngineParameter
 Specifies whether to use the NVIDIA cuDnn version or Caffe version of a given forward/backward operation. More...
class  ExpParameter
 Specifies the parameters for the ExpLayer. More...
class  FillerParameter
 Specifies the filler parameters used to create each Filler. More...
class  FlattenParameter
 Specifies the parameters for the FlattenLayer. More...
class  GradientScaleParameter
 Specifies the parameters for the GradientScaleLayer. More...
class  HDF5DataParameter
 Specifies the parameter for the HDF5 data layer. More...
class  HingeLossParameter
 Specifies the parameters for the HingLossLayer. More...
class  ImageDataParameter
 Specifies the parameters for the ImageDataLayer More...
class  InfogainLossParameter
 Specifies the parameters for the InfogainLossLayer. More...
class  InnerProductParameter
 Specifies the parameters for the InnerProductLayer. More...
class  InputParameter
 Specifies the parameters for the InputLayer. More...
class  InterpParameter
 Specifies the parameters for the InterpLayer. More...
class  KernelParameter
 Specifies the basic kernel parameters (used by convolution and pooling) More...
class  LabelMappingParameter
 /b DEPRECIATED (use DataLayer DataLabelMappingParameter instead) Specifies the parameters for the LabelMappingLayer. More...
class  LayerParameter
 Specifies the base parameter for all layers. More...
class  LayerParameterBase
 The LayerParameterBase is the base class for all other layer specific parameters. More...
class  LogParameter
 Specifies the parameters for the LogLayer. More...
class  LossParameter
 Stores the parameters used by loss layers. More...
class  LRNParameter
 Specifies the parameter for the LRNLayer. More...
class  LSTMAttentionParameter
 Specifies the parameters for the LSTMAttentionLayer that provides an attention based LSTM layer used for decoding in an encoder/decoder based model. More...
class  LSTMSimpleParameter
 [DEPRECIATED - use LSTMAttentionParameter instead with enable_attention = false] Specifies the parameters for the LSTMSimpleLayer. More...
class  MaskParameter
 Specifies the parameters for the MaskParameter used to mask portions of the transformed data when active. More...
class  MathParameter
 Specifies the parameters for the MathLayer. More...
class  MeanErrorLossParameter
 Specifies the parameters for the MeanErrorLossLayerParameter. More...
class  MemoryDataParameter
 Specifies the parameters used by the MemoryDataLayer. More...
class  ModelDataParameter
 Specifies the parameter for the model data layer. More...
class  MVNParameter
 Specifies the parameters for the MVNLayer. More...
class  NetParameter
 Specifies the parameters use to create a Net More...
class  NetState
 Specifies the NetState which includes the phase, level and stage for which a given Net is to run under. More...
class  NetStateRule
 Specifies a NetStateRule used to determine whether a Net falls within a given include or exclude pattern. More...
class  OptionalParameter
 The OptionalParameter is the base class for parameters that are optional such as the MaskParameter, DistorationParameter, ExpansionParameter, NoiseParameter, and ResizeParameter. More...
class  ParameterParameter
 Specifies the parameters for the ParameterLayer More...
class  ParamSpec
 Specifies training parameters (multipliers on global learning constants, and the name of other settings used for weight sharing). More...
class  PoolingParameter
 Specifies the parameters for the PoolingLayer. More...
class  PowerParameter
 Specifies the parameters for the PowerLayer. More...
class  PReLUParameter
 Specifies the parameters for the PReLULayer. More...
class  RecurrentParameter
 Specifies the parameters used by the RecurrentLayer. More...
class  ReductionParameter
 Specifies the parameters used by ReductionLayer. More...
class  ReLUParameter
 Specifies the parameters for the ReLULayer More...
class  ReshapeParameter
 Specifies the parameters for the ReshapeLayer. More...
class  ScaleParameter
 Specifies the parameters for the ScaleLayer. More...
class  SigmoidParameter
 Specifies the parameters for the SigmoidLayer. More...
class  SliceParameter
 Specifies the parameters for the SliceLayer. More...
class  SoftmaxParameter
 Specifies the parameters for the SoftmaxLayer More...
class  SolverParameter
 The SolverParameter is a parameter for the solver, specifying the train and test networks. More...
class  SolverState
 The SolverState specifies the state of a given solver. More...
class  SPPParameter
 The SPPParameter specifies the parameters for the SPPLayer. More...
class  SwishParameter
 Stores the parameters used by the SwishLayer More...
class  TanhParameter
 Specifies the parameters for the TanhLayer More...
class  TextDataParameter
 Specifies the parameter for the Text data layer. More...
class  ThresholdParameter
 Stores the parameters used by the ThresholdLayer More...
class  TileParameter
 Specifies the parameters used by the TileLayer More...
class  TransformationParameter
 Stores parameters used to apply transformation to the data layer's data. More...
class  VerifyBatchSizeArgs
 The VerifyBatchSizeArgs class defines the arguments of the OnVerifyBatchSize event. More...

Detailed Description

The MyCaffe.param namespace contains parameters used to create models.