New beta release, synced up with Caffe through 3/26/2018 with cuDNN 7.1.2 support!

Today, we posted a new beta release ( that is synced up with the native Caffe project through 3/26/2018 and supports the newly released cuDNN 7.1.2.

New Features

1.) Synced up with native Caffe through 3/26/2018 with the following highlights:

  • Added new Swish Layer.
  • Added minor changes and error checking.
  • At this time we are evaluating the new fine tuning changes, but have not added them just yet.

2.) We now support the latest cuDNN 7.1.2 library.

3.) The image evaluator now allows you to choose between the CAFFE and CUDNN engines for deconvolution.

Happy ‘deep’ learning!